What is Giving Tuesday?


In an increasingly divided world, Giving Tuesday is a day when we can all unite to support important causes and change lives for the better. Whether you give your time, money, or voice, every act of generosity makes a difference. This Giving Tuesday, join the global movement in supporting life-affirming causes. Together, we can make the world a better place for everyone.


When is Giving Tuesday?

This year, Giving Tuesday is November 29, 2022. (The day after Cyber Monday.)

Radical Generosity

The History of Giving Tuesday

In 2012, individuals in New York City came together to inspire generosity and giving back. They wanted to create a global day dedicated to giving that would encourage people to do good. And so, Giving Tuesday was born.


10 years later, Giving Tuesday is an international movement celebrated in over 150 countries. Every year on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, people around the world give back in whatever way they can. People come together to donate money to a favorite charity, volunteer their time, or help a neighbor. Giving Tuesday is a great reminder to support nonprofit organizations with end-of-year giving.


The history of Giving Tuesday is one of radical generosity and kindness. A day for giving back. It reminds us that we are all connected and that our actions can make a difference in the world.


How to participate in Giving Tuesday

How to participate in Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a great day to support causes and organizations that are important to you. It’s a great opportunity to support pregnancy resource centers! You can donate to your local community center or participate in a fundraiser. Every donation makes a difference in the lives of women and families facing unplanned pregnancies.


Pregnancy centers exist to help women choose life for their unborn babies. Pregnancy centers provide vital services to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies. These services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, counseling, and material assistance.

Your Impact on the Pro-life Movement

Giving to pregnancy centers is one of the most impactful things you can do to save babies' lives. Here's why: 


Pregnancy centers provide life-affirming help and support to women facing unexpected pregnancies. For Free. Our confidential services include pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, counseling, and material assistance to young women in our community who desperately need help.


Pregnancy centers like ours are estimated to have helped over 2 million women since their inception in the 1970s. And they're becoming increasingly popular: in 2015 alone, over 1 million women visited a pregnancy center for help.


There are over 3,000 pregnancy centers just like ours across the country, and we rely on donations to keep our doors open. So when you give to a pregnancy center, you're directly helping women in need – and giving them a chance to choose life for their babies. This #GivingTuesday, we ask you to join the millions of generous people around the world and give big. Join our mission to save lives and restore family values across our community and nation!

Learn More

How big is Giving Tuesday?

When it comes to giving back, Americans are generous. In 2017, an estimated 35 million people participated in Giving Tuesday.


Here are some statistics that show just how much Giving Tuesday has grown over the years:


In 2012, the first Giving Tuesday, 2,500 partners joined the global generosity movement. In 2014, that number grew to 10,000 partners in the United States alone. By 2018, over 150 countries participated.


Giving Tuesday has also seen a surge in online donations. They had a great start in 2012 when Giving Tuesday participants raised $10 million online. In 2017, that number jumped to $274 million.


And it's not just individuals who are participating in the big day. In 2017, corporations gave an estimated $177 million to charities worldwide on Giving Tuesday.


So why the surge in Giving Tuesday donations? One reason is the power of social media. Every year there are tons of new donors sharing social media posts. For example in 2018, there were 14.2 billion social media mentions. 


Another reason may be the increasing popularity of online giving platforms like GoFundMe (link to) and Crowdrise (link to), which make it easy for people to donate to their favorite causes


And people feel generous during the holiday season after widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

New York’s 92nd Street Y picked a simple idea for this international day. It has become a global phenomenon with support from the United Nations Foundation.

Whatever the reason, it's clear that Giving Tuesday is here to stay and continues to grow each year. 

Cornerstone Pregnancy

The mission of Cornerstone Pregnancy Services is to care for women and their children with the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. We value life and believe every person has purpose and worth.

All our services are FREE to our clients and offered in a CONFIDENTIAL environment. We serve those who are vulnerable and in difficult circumstances, and we seek to maintain the highest standard of conduct and practice. We have been helping women with practical, and relational resources since 1986. Cornerstone does not perform or refer for abortion and provides a written disclaimer to this effect to clients requesting services.

We declare that every person in Lorain County and western Cuyahoga County is going to have the capacity to make a choice for life based on the truth. We believe God’s will is going to be done in our counties by raising the level of righteousness as we help people come to the truth.